One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

What costs can I expect to be put on my bill?

The costs on your bill include the program costs for your particular program plus a non-refundable administrative fee. You will not be billed for Cedarville University's housing and food while you are away. Note that you cannot "save" your dorm room while studying abroad.

What will a typical week look like while I am studying abroad?

这取决于你参加的课程, you will be expected to complete as much academic work (in terms of quantity) as you would on campus. However, you may also have long weekends to travel in the semester long programs. Take this advice from past students--make sure you are caught up on your academic work before you travel. 这样你就不会在工作上落后了. Students typically study Monday through Friday morning, and travel on weekends.

How do I know if I have been approved by Cedarville to participate in 出国留学?

Once you complete all the necessary paperwork, have been through an interview with 出国留学, and have all forms turned into 出国留学, you will receive notice as to whether or not you have been approved by Cedarville to participate in a program. Approval is based on the following criteria:

  • 平均绩点3分.0以上.
  • You are not currently on conduct probation or subject to being placed on conduct probation.
  • Acceptable faculty recommendations (one from your advisor and one from a faculty member who has had you in class).
  • You have adequate financial aid to cover necessary 费用, and cover any previous balances on your account.
  • Completed and signed 出国留学 application and behavior contract.

Acceptance into individual programs is at the discretion of that program.


It is not recommended that you work because this will invariably affect your time to travel on weekends. Legally, students cannot work in the host countries in the community without obtaining a work visa.

Do my grades count while I am studying abroad?

是的, these course are transcripted in as Cedarville courses, so the grades you receive while studying abroad DO affect your GPA.

Will my Cedarville Google Mail account work when I study elsewhere?

是的, your Cedarville email account will be active. Depending on your program, web access may be limited.

How do I know what to pack for my international program?

Your individual program will send you information on what to bring. 更多信息即将发布.


学生可以申请奖学金 外部资源 我们自己的 Modern Languages 出国留学 Scholarship. Students are encouraged to also contact their financial aid counselor on campus.

Can my parents come visit me when I am participating in a study abroad?

父母 are welcome to visit the study abroad sites after the first month. Many programs have a scheduled break in the semester, which would be a good time for a visit. They can stay at nearby hotels or bed-and-breakfasts. 父母 should be advised that you might not have much time to spend with them during other times in the semester.

Should I use cash, credit card, ATM's, or traveler's checks if I am studying abroad?

ATM's are accessible and recommended in many countries. Debit cards can be used but are not always accessible in some countries. Traveler's checks are not recommended since not every place takes them and the rate of exchange is not the best. You should not carry too much cash at one time. Only take what you think you might need for a few days. Credit cards are recommended but not all places accept them (public transportation, etc.). Typically Visa is accepted in other countries. Your individual program will provide information about your country.

How do I register for my study abroad classes?

你必须与科罗拉多大学留学处见面. A special form will be used to register you for the classes you take abroad. Once all classes are approved your registration form will be sent to the Registrar's Office. If you are taking any online classes you will be responsible for registering for those classes as you would any other semester. If you do not know if you are accepted into the program of choice by your registration time, you will register for Cedarville courses online as you would any other semester. 一旦你被接受, you need to drop those classes and your CU 出国留学 course registration will be processed. 

What do I do if I want to stay a week or two in the host country before or after the dates already set by the program?

如果你偏离了旅行日期, you will be responsible for arranging for your own place to stay, 费用, and any other travel related 费用 including transportation.

Further questions may be directed to CU StudyAway at 937-766-7953 or you can 发送电子邮件.