One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville


As an Institution of Higher Learning there is a need to balance the accessibility and use of facilities with the need to provide a safe and secure campus. The 校园安全 Access Control Department provides access through the use of both mechanical (locks and 键) as well as electronic access control systems in order to maintain the appropriate level of security. It is our goal to reduce the amount of master and sub-master 键 that are issued as much as possible and utilize electronic access as an alternative method of entry.


所有的锁, 键, electronic access cards (ID cards) and systems are the sole property of 斯德维尔大学. The University reserves the right to change locks, 键 and access levels as needed. 任何人不得在任何大学设施上锁, interior or exterior, without the permission of the 校园安全 Access Control Department. All 键 and access control cards (ID cards) must be returned to the university upon termination of employment or enrollment as a student.



  • May be issued 键 and electronic access to University facilities based upon the need and subject to approval from the appropriate vice president, 部主席, 或总监/经理.
  • 主管应提交一份 要求额外的钥匙或电子门禁 form. All requests are subject to final approval from the 校园安全 Access Control Department.
  • Faculty/staff who are issued 键 as part of their job requirements should keep them in a secure location.
  • Non-University personnel, vendors, and contractors will not be issued 键 on a permanent basis. They may be authorized to sign 键 out from 校园安全 on a daily basis as necessary.


  • All on-campus students residing in a residential facility are issued a key to access their unit and/or room at the beginning of the academic school year for the fall semester or for those starting in the spring semester.
  • Keys for certain campus facilities issued to students for employment reasons, 参加某些组织, or other possible legitimate purposes must be authorized by the responsible faculty member or department head.
  • The authorizing party and key user both share responsibility for the issuance, use and return of these 键 at the end of each academic semester or school year.
  • It is not the practice of the university to issue master-level 键 to students unless they are using the 键 as part of their employment or other legitimate purpose and returning them after each use.


  • All lost or stolen 键 must be promptly reported to the 校园安全 Access Control Department.
  • 遗失钥匙应填写 报告丢失钥匙表单.
  • Information must be reported on the facts surrounding the loss; in particular, 损失的地点, whether any 斯德维尔大学 identifiers were attached to the key, 以及钥匙进入的区域.
  • 基于这些因素, the 校园安全 Access Control Department will make a decision to replace the key or require the lock to be changed.
  • Resident students who find a lost key that has already been replaced can return it to the 校园安全 Access Control Department for a reduction of the lost key charge to $15, 如果在学期结束前归还钥匙. 的关键 must be in the possession of the 校园安全 Access Control Department by the last day of the semester in order to receive the cost reduction.
  • 所有费用, 如劳动力和零件重新键, will be assumed by the department where the employee is currently working or was working in. Individual departments may request reimbursement from these employees. 就学生而言, 费用将从他们的学生账户中扣除.
  • Contractors/vendors who lose assigned 键 will be financially accountable for the costs of 键 and any lock changes required.


  1. 丢失,迟到,未归还宿舍钥匙- $70
  2. 偷来的宿舍钥匙,70美元
    归还宿舍遗失钥匙- $15
  3. 遗失、迟到、未归还的管理钥匙- $70*
  4. 被盗的管理密钥- $70*

*更换锁需额外收费. These costs may vary based on the number of offices/areas affected by the loss.



  • Upon termination of a relationship with the University, employees and students must return their key(s) to the 校园安全 Access Control Department.
  • Keys should not be transferred from a departing employee to a new employee by the department where they were working.
  • 学生 must not transfer their room 键 to another student moving into their room without returning it first to the 校园安全 Access Control Department for reassignment.
  • All room switches must be authorized only through permission of your Resident Director and Associate Dean of Residence Life.
  • All 键 issued by 校园安全 Access Control Department are the property of 斯德维尔大学 and should be returned to the University immediately if found after last day on campus.
  • Keys not returned by the last day on campus can be mailed back to the University in a small padded envelope to:


Note: 校园安全 Access Control Department is not responsible for 键 lost in the mailing process